Sherri Dean, B.Sc., INSITE Biomechanics Lab Manager
A: Biomechanics is the study of movement in humans or animals. The word can be broken down into “bio,” meaning life, and “mechanics,” meaning how it works. Simply put, it’s how our muscles, ligaments, and tendons all work together to help us move.
Q: Why are biomechanics vital to a person’s health and wellness?
A: Movement is the key to a healthy body. Incorrect biomechanics can cause injuries that lead to immobility and, in turn, diminished health.
Biomechanics help us in the lab see how shoes affect the way we walk or run. We can study joint movements of the ankles, knees, and hips to see if the shoe promotes positive movement or injury-inducing movement.
Q: How does footwear either help or hurt good biomechanics?
A: Believe it or not, our feet are not as strong as they were thousands of years ago. As our bodies grew used to wearing shoes, the internal structure of our feet weakened over time. Footwear provides the necessary support we need for a proper walking or running gait. Different shoes support different activities and allow our feet to move in their most natural way.